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9 Kurser

HELP - Start Here! (Digital City Experts)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

HELP - Start Here! (Digital City Experts)

This Guide will help you to navigate the DCEx Course. Start here if you're new.

2-DAY BOOTCAMP - Understanding Smart Cities
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

2-DAY BOOTCAMP - Understanding Smart Cities

This module of the course contains class material that you will use during, and in preparation of, the 2-day Bootcamp which you attend in person. At the beginning you find an overall introduction to the topic "Smart City". 

Enabling Technologies (Advanced Module 1)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Enabling Technologies (Advanced Module 1)

Municipal administrations are faced with digital challenges that range from data governance to business requirements. Learn about the technologies that enable these services.

Data and Governance (Advanced Module 2)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Data and Governance (Advanced Module 2)

The module focuses on managing the acquisition, availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data in the public sector system.

Digital Services and Applications (Advanced Module 3)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Digital Services and Applications (Advanced Module 3)

Understanding the process of making services digitally accessible and the possibilities of digitalization for administration.

Digitalisation in Organisations (Advanced Module 4)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Digitalisation in Organisations (Advanced Module 4)

Learn how to implement and manage digital technolgies and services in organisations. The module also deals with monitoring, evaluation, strategic aspects and ethics of digitalisation.

Business Process Reengineering (Advanced Module 5)
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Business Process Reengineering (Advanced Module 5)

Understand the impact of digitalization on processes, being able to analyze processes in one's own administration. Apply knowledge on urban data governance.

Digital City Challenges
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Digital City Challenges

These is the place for the challenges

Digital City Library
Digital City Expert (DCEX)
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Digital City Expert (DCEX)

Digital City Library

Here are additional materials, links, best practice examples and documentation